The essential terms in this glossary are designed to enhance your understanding of the unTill Air, enabling you to achieve your goals more effectively.
Action Set (Back Office & POS)
This regulates the display of features in the POS. POS action sets are configured in the Back Office, but you can see the results of the changes in the POS. You are able to turn off some features and customise the display sequence in the POS.
Add tips (POS)
This button allows the POS User to set the amount of waiter's tips. At first, the POS User asks the customer about the tip amount and then enters it in the designated section, and this value will be added to the total bill.
Article (Back Office & POS)
The Articles belong to Departments and can be ordered in the POS (e.g. Cappuccino, Chef salad, Lasagna).
Article messages (Back Office & POS)
Preconfigured messages sent by waiters to the kitchen staff express customer preferences regarding the preparation process and ingredients. These messages can be configured in the 'Article messages' section.
Back Office
The Back Office is designed for internal operations, such as creating Articles, setting prices, and managing various aspects of the location. Additionally, it provides comprehensive information about the restaurant or Points of Sale, contributing to more efficient business operations.
Bill printer (Back Office & POS)
This type of printer is intended for issuing bill tickets after payment is completed.
Cancel discount (POS)
This button only affects the Discount applied to the Article selected in the order list. To use it, select the discounted article you want to modify, then tap the button.
Cancel all discounts (POS)
With the help of this button in the POS, you can cancel all percentage and amount Discounts applied to the Articles in the list. This button affects the 'Selected items' Discounts and 'All items' Discounts. With this button, you cannot remove the Discount on total.
Categories (Back Office)
The Categories incorporate Groups and Departments (e.g. Food, Drinks).
Cash drawer (Back Office)
The functionality of the cash drawer is controlled by a checkbox found on the screen editing and linking pages. If this checkbox is marked, the cash drawer connected to the printer assigned to this screen will open automatically after processing cash payments.
Change course (POS)
This button allows you to modify the Course for the specific Article according to the request of the clients.
Combi deal (Back Office & POS)
This refers to a set of Articles that can be sold together at a specific price for each.
Courses (Back Office & POS)
The Courses define the sequence for serving dishes. Each article is assigned to a specific Course, indicating the designated time for its service (e.g. Starters > Main dish > Dessert). Also, you can set the 'No course' for your Articles like drinks.
Departments (Back Office & POS)
The Departments belong to Groups and Categories and incorporate Articles (e.g. Hot beverages, Salads).
Discount on total (POS)
This button in the POS allows you to apply a Discount with a specific amount to the whole bill.
Discount reasons (Back Office & POS)
Depending on the Discount settings in the Back Office, the POS User may be obliged to select or type manually a Discount reason after applying a Discount while ordering.
Direct sales (Back Office & POS)
This Sales mode is designed for managing orders and accepting payments without the need for table Spaces. In this mode, no Space will be displayed on the screen.
Equipment (Back Office)
This refers to the printers, terminals, and screens that are used at the location. You can add and adjust this equipment in the settings.
Financial reports (Back Office)
This type of report provides detailed information about turnover by product groups, payments by various methods (cash and card), VAT, voids, and discounts in your POS for the selected period. This type of reports includes Z-X reports and Location report.
Fire next course (POS)
This button allows the POS User to indicate that the next Course can be served for a specific table.
Free add-on (POS)
This button enables you to sort the Modifiers assigned to Departments and show only the 'Free add-on' type selected, simplifying the ordering process.
Groups (Back Office)
This entity of the Products belongs to Categories and incorporates Departments and Articles (Example of Groups: Hot kitchen, Cold kitchen, Alcoholic drinks).
Happy hour (Back Office)
This feature allows you to set a specific Period and alternative price for your Articles. The price you set for Happy hour will be applicable at your location during the Period you indicated in the 'Location settings'.
Items (Back Office & POS)
In unTill Air, this term includes all elements of the product range and other objects created such as Articles, Departments, printers, screens, Menus, etc.
Language of tickets (Back Office)
Refers to the settings of the ticket's language. Can be changed in the Location Settings.
Location (Back Office)
Refers to a restaurant or Points of Sale that you manage.
Location type (Back Office)
This refers to the mode you can choose to work in, which can be either Food & Drinks, primarily suited for the restaurant business, or Retail, designed for direct sales. You can always change your location type in the Location settings.
Location Owner
Refers to a person who manages a location and configures Articles and other features in the Back Office.
Menus (Back Office & POS)
Refer to a set of Articles that are grouped row by row. The price is applied to each Article in the Menu, unlike the prices of the Combi deals which are equal within one row for all Articles.
Modifiers (Back Office & POS)
Modifiers are add-ons that can be added to a dish. Modifiers can be either text modifiers (always free) or article modifiers (can be paid and free). Also, Modifiers are divided into optional and mandatory that regulate their display in the POS.
No items
Open price (Back Office & POS)
This refers to the capability of manually entering a price for an Article in the POS by a POS User. Only the prices of Articles designated as 'Open price' by the Location Owner can be modified in the POS.
Open cash drawer (POS)
This button located on the control screen allows to open the cash drawer the user that was granted to do so by tapping on the corresponding button. All such openings are reflected in the 'Cash drawer opens' report in the Back Office.
Optional modifiers (POS)
If an ordered Article has both types of Modifiers (mandatory and optional) assigned, only the mandatory Modifiers will appear in the 'Options' column. However, the 'Optional modifiers' button in the POS enables you to display and order the optional modifiers.
Paid add-on (POS)
This button enables you to sort the Modifiers assigned to Departments and show only the 'Paid add-on' type selected, simplifying the ordering process.
Payment (Back Office)
This refers to the process of paying the amount according to the client's bill.
Payment methods (Back Office)
This term refers to the range of available facilities for settling the bill. In particular, Payment methods include options such as cash and credit and debit cards.
Periods (Back Office)
This duration can be configured in the Back Office and assigned to Discounts and the Happy Hour feature, making them available only within this specific timeframe.
Preparation printer (Back Office & POS)
This type of printer is intended for issuing order, transfer, and next course tickets after the relevant actions of the POS User.
Printer redirection (POS)
This refers to the process of switching from one printer (not working) to another one that can print tickets in the meantime. After receiving an error message in the POS regarding one printer, one of the possible solutions is to redirect this ticket to another printer. Unless you remove this redirection, all the tickets coming to the printer you redirected from will change their destination to the printer you selected for this redirection.
This is a service where POS Users can initiate orders, assist throughout the process, and accept payments.
POS User
Refers to an employee who interacts with the Points of Sale system, handles orders and accepts payments.
POS Display Sequence (Back Office & POS)
This feature allows you to set the order for the items in which they will be shown in the POS.
Proforma (Back Office & POS)
Refers to a ticket that can be issued at any time during an order based on the customer's request. It contains information about the ordered Articles and their prices. To use 'Proforma' in the POS, you need to handle the 'Print Proforma' button.
No items
Reopen order (POS)
This feature allows the POS User to reopen and adjust the order from the current business day. This action can be done on the control screen.
Receipt (Back Office)
This refers to the purpose of the printer when it issues the bill tickets.
Repeat (POS)
This button in the POS allows you to duplicate a selected item without having to search for it in a list of Departments. All Modifiers ordered with this Article and Discounts applied to it will be also duplicated along with the Article ordered.
Reports (Back Office)
Refer to providing detailed tracking of the restaurant's workflow to Location Owners. Reports can be found in a dedicated section and include various types.
Reset tips (POS)
This button in the POS allows you to remove the already added tips.
Reverse split (POS)
This button in the POS allows you to revert the bill to its initial condition before splitting. You can use this button only if you have not paid any part of the bill yet. You cannot reverse the split if one of the bill parts is already paid.
Refund (POS)
After the reopening of the order that was paid by card, the refund process begins. During the refund, the amount of the reopened order will be transferred back to the same card the customer paid with.
Slow service time (Back Office & POS)
This feature in the Location settings allows you to define a specific duration in minutes as slow service time. Subsequently, in the POS, a designated icon indicating a slow service for a specific table will appear. If you set this value to 0 in the Location settings, this feature will be disabled.
Space (Back Office)
Refers to the area where tables are placed and where the staff accommodates customers. You can customise the visual representation of Spaces.
Special price (Back Office)
Indicates that the price for a particular Space will vary compared to the default price for other Spaces.
Special Articles (Back Office)
Refer to those Articles that can be assigned to several Departments simultaneously, in contrast to regular Articles that belong to a single Department.
Split (POS)
This feature allows customers to split a single bill into multiple parts and pay each separately.
Screens (Back Office)
Refer to a group of devices, such as tablets, phones, and handhelds that are linked to the unTill Air account and allow to manage orders.
Subscription plan (Back Office)
Refers to the process of arranging the conditions of the unTill Air subscription, taking into account various options such as the number of screens.
Table colour legend (POS)
Refers to the status of a table, which may be affected by factors such as the duration of customer occupancy or the current Course.
Table plan mode (Back Office & POS)
This Sales mode is designed for restaurants with table areas where POS Users can manage table assignments and process payments. The Space dedicated to ordering will be displayed on the screen.
Tickets (Back Office)
Refer to the templates used for issuing receipts and preparation checks.
Transfer table (POS)
This button allows the waiter to change the table for an order.
Trial period (Back Office & POS)
In unTill Air, you can test the system's capabilities for free for two weeks. You always have the option to end the trial period early and start using the unTill Payments feature.
User code (Back Office & POS)
The Location Owner assigns each POS User a unique User code, allowing access to the POS app under a personalised account. This account, tailored to the individual user, includes specific language settings and permissions set by the Location Owner.
Undo discount on total (POS)
This button in the POS allows you to remove the already applied discount on total.
VAT levels (Back Office)
This refers to various VAT rates that can be used in unTill Air for different Groups. The VAT levels available in your country are present in the Back Office by default. However, you can adjust them if needed.
Void (POS)
Signifies the removal of an item from an order. Void can be done either using the corresponding button, or swiping into the right side or using a 'trash' button.
Void reasons (POS)
This refers to optional item that can be added by the POS User to indicate the action's reason when voiding an article from the confirmed order. The void reasons can be either fixed or custom. The POS Users can enter the custom reasons in the POS.
Work start time (Back Office)
Refers to the settings that allow you to set a start time for X reports. You can change 'Work start time' in the Location settings.
X reports (Back Office)
Refers to a customisable (mid-day) report that can be generated and sent from the POS.
No items
Z reports (Back Office)
Refers to a fixed report that can be generated and sent from the POS. This type of report is configured at the end of a shift or working day. Z report is an official tax document.
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