
Who can use this feature?

☑️Location Owners

What is the Location?

In unTill Air, the restaurants and Points of Sale that you manage are called 'Locations'. This terminology is commonly used throughout the Back Office.

Subscription to Location

When creating an account or adding a new location, you will configure and accept a subscription plan. During this process, you will provide business details and select the number of screens to determine the subscription cost.

If you need to extend the number of screens within an existing location, refer to this page.

Trial period

The initial subscription plan offers you a free two-week trial period to explore and experience all the features of unTill Air at no cost.

Note: Payment for the subscription will be automatically deducted from your account when the trial period expires.

Add a new Location

In unTill Air, you can add new locations within an already existing account.

For details on how to add a new location, refer to this page.

Last updated