Manage Spaces

Who can use this feature?

☑️Location Owners

To manage your Space, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Spaces.

  2. Click 'Add new space'

  3. Give a name for your new Space.

  4. Specify the number of its tables.

Note: If you create a Space with the 'Direct sales area' feature, you do not need to specify the number of tables. Upon checking the checkbox, the fields 'Number of tables' and 'Start from' will disappear.

  1. Click 'Continue'.

  2. Click on the icon featuring a pencil.

  3. It's the 'Table editor' section. Within this section, you can:

  • Add new tables or rearrange existing ones;

Tip: You can use the grid functionality to move tables. To do this, click on the button as shown below. Then, move the tables using directional keys.

  • Define the table characteristics: shape, height, width, and rotation angle;

  • Duplicate the table. After initiating this process, you will need to drag the completed copies away from the initial table.

  • Set up visual elements: add walls, bars, and plants.

  • Rename visual elements such as walls or bars as needed.

In the Table editor, you can allocate directly several elements like tables, plants, and walls and move them or delete them if needed.

  1. Click 'Save'.

Tip: At the top left corner of the page, you can switch between different Spaces.

Also, you can use the 'undo' function to discard previous changes. To do this, click on the corresponding icon.

Last updated