Special Articles
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Last updated
In unTill Air, you can add Special Articles on the page of the Departments to make these Articles visible in various Departments. The difference between usual Articles and Special Articles lies in the following:
Articles are assigned to a specific Department. They are visible in the POS within only one assigned Department
Special Articles can be made visible in multiple Departments. This means that Special Articles can appear in both the initial Department they were assigned to and any additional Departments you specify
You can use Special Articles feature to fulfil the Fast runners Department where you group the most frequently ordered Articles like coffee, soft drinks, amuse-bouche dishes etc.
To create a Special Article, please follow these steps:
Navigate to Products > Departments.
Click 'Add new department' or edit an existing Department.
Provide a name for your new Department.
Select a Group and Spaces.
In the field Special Articles, click 'Assign articles'.
Assign desired Articles to this Department.
Once you have assigned Articles to distinct Departments, they will appear in both, in the initial Department and the Department that has a Special Article.
Note: The VAT levels for Special Article will be calculated according to the Department that has been assigned to this Article first.
Who can use this feature?
Location Owners
POS Users