Z-X reports

Who can use this feature?

☑️Location Owner

POS Users

What is Z report?

At the end of a shift or working day, Z reports are generated, which serve as continuous sales reports that function as tax returns for the location. These reports consistently (without any gap) cover all sales for a specific period.

You can tune only the 'Till' date, not the 'From date', as this date is automatically set to the date and time of the last Z report printed.

What is X report?

The X report is a type of closing report that is generally issued at mid-day or at the end of the shift. These reports aren't mandatory in terms of tax regulations, unlike Z reports which can be used as a tax document. X reports can be used internally within a location.

X reports provide an overview of all sales-related aspects of your location. You can manually select the reporting period for X reports, unlike Z reports which are consecutive without gaps and always printed from the date of the last Z report.

What do the Z and X reports include?

  • Date/time

  • The POS User who requested this report

  • Turnover by categories

  • Overall turnover

  • Tips amount

  • Methods of payment and the final numbers of payments

  • Turnover per POS User

  • Overview VAT

How to print Z-X reports from the POS?

The Z-X reports can be printed from the POS by the POS User and viewed in the Back Office by the Location Owner.

Note: Z-X reports cannot be printed directly from the Back Office, only from POS.

The Z-X reports are printed on the bill printer assigned to the screen from which you are generating this report.

To print the Z-X reports, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the unTill Air app on your screen.

  2. Navigate to the Reports section.

  1. Tap on either Z report or X report according to your needs.

  2. Set the 'From' and 'Till' dates and hours for X reports, or only 'Till' date for Z reports.

Note: In the case of Z reports, the date and time 'From' are automatically set to the date and time of the last Z report being printed.

To set the period, tap on the bar with the date, you will see the calendar, and pick the desired date.

To set the hours, long-tap on the bar with hours, you will see the pop-up that allows you to select the desired time.

  1. After selecting the 'Till' date and time for the report, tap on the green 'confirm' button located in the right bottom corner.

After this, the report will be printed and will appear in the Back Office as an electronic copy.

Also, the electronic copy of this printed report can be viewed in the POS by a user. After each report is requested, a copy of this Z or X report will be shown directly on a screen in the POS. This way, the users can also view the figures on these reports.

How to view Z-X reports in the Back Office?

After printing closing Z (end-of-day) and closing X (mid-day) reports from the POS, you can view them from the Back Office. To do that, navigate to the Z-X reports section where you have a clear overview of all the reports printed in your location.

To view Z-X reports, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Z-X reports.

You can view these reports either in the calendar mode or in the table mode. By default, you will see a calendar but if you want you can always switch to the table using the corresponding button:

  1. In the calendar, you will see days and weeks of the current month with reports placed on each day when they were printed. In the table, you will see the reports in sequence from oldest to newest for the entire month.

In the calendar, Z and X reports are present in the form of circles. The circles are in different colours, the blue ones mean Z report printed, and the orange ones mean X reports printed.

Upon clicking on one of these circles, you will see the date, time, number, and person who requested this report. To view the report itself along with all the figures and values on it, click on the details of the desired report.

Then, you will see the report itself as it was printed in the form of a pop-up.

In the table mode, click on the sign featuring a printer in order to view a report as it was printed.

Note: If you see an icon other than the one featuring a printer, it means the current status of the report is 'In process'. Please wait until the printer icon appears, after which you will be able to view the report.

  1. To view the reports for previous months, you need to select the relevant month in the selector located in the top right corner of the page or use arrows to select previous or next month.

Last updated

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