Printer management

Who can use this feature?

POS Users

Printer screen

When you open the printer management screen, you can see the statuses of actual printers and manage redirections.

The POS user can view errors and printers that are unavailable due to various circumstances.

To access this screen, navigate to the section with the icon featuring a printer as shown on the image below.

On the printer management screen, you will see the following columns with the information about your printers. You can view whether they are working or not and if there are any redirects.

Last known printer error

Track the errors that occurred on the printers when printing within your location.

All printers

View the statuses of printers in the location. The possible statuses are:

  • Working

  • Ignored

  • Error

Active redirects

Look through the printer redirects that were made at the whole location and manage them. Here, you can cancel particular redirection.

To cancel a redirect, tap on the icon featuring a trash.

Redirect a printer

To redirect a printer from the printer management screen, you need to tap on the specific printer in the column 'All printers'. Then you will see the pop-up with the printer details and functionality to redirect the printer assignments to another one.

Note: If you redirect a printer and the cash drawer is connected to it, it will not be opened after a payment until you switch back to the printer the cash drawer is connected to.

Tap on the selector provided and choose the printer that you would like to redirect to. Then tap on the 'Confirm' button to close the pop-up.

Note: You will not see a redirection field if the POS User isn't granted permission to redirect. You can give this permission from the Back Office (POS Users). For more information, refer to this page.

Cancel redirection

If you do not need to redirect one of the printers anymore you are able to cancel a redirection on the printer management screen.

To cancel a redirection you should find a specific redirection and then tap on the 'delete' icon.

Test print

In unTill Air, you are able to test printing and issue a test ticket to ensure that the printer is working. A test ticket will be issued using the bill ticket's template.

To print a test ticket, you need to tap on the printer that you would like to verify and you will see the pop-up with this functionality.

Tap on the 'Test print' button and wait to issue the ticket. Then tap on the green 'Confirm' button to close the pop-up.

The 'Test print' functionality (in case of successful test printing) allows to disable the error message.

Note: Also, you can use the 'Test print' button to cancel the 'ignored' status of a printer. If the test ticket prints successfully, the status will change to 'working'.

Keep a printer choice

When your screen is set to provide clients with digital bills but you have at least one printer in the Back Office, you will also be able to print a bill if requested by a customer. However, if more than one bill printer is added to your location, you will be asked to select a printer every time you choose to print a physical bill or proforma.

To avoid constantly selecting the printer, use the 'Keep printer choice' feature. After tapping the 'Print' button from a QR pop-up, check the provided checkbox before selecting a printer. This will set the selected printer as the default for both proformas and physical bills. Next time, you won't need to select a bill printer, speeding up your POS operations.

To change the default printer on the printer management screen, switch this setting from one printer to another.

It's important to note that this 'default printer' setting is per device, and the setting you configure on your screen will not affect other devices in the location.

Note: This setting is reset after every switching off the app.

Last updated