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The Courses feature helps Location Owners categorise all Articles into different stages like starters, mains, and desserts.
The Course feature allows POS Users and kitchen staff to stay informed about the current stage of the dishes being served.
For information on how to create Courses, refer to this page.
The Courses are printed on the order tickets to make things easier and show the kitchen which Articles are supposed to be prepared first and which later.
The colours for the Courses are predefined and displayed accordingly in the POS. For details on the Courses colours, refer to this page.
To serve the next Course for a specific table, the POS User should tap on the Fire next course button.
POS Users can adjust the Course sequence to meet customer preferences by using the Change course button. This is possible if the Course is set as 'Changeable' in the Back Office.
For more information on how to use the Courses in the POS, refer to this page.
You can disable and enable Courses at any time within the Location settings. To learn more on how to do so, refer to this page.
Who can use this feature?
Location Owners