Manage Reasons

Who can use this feature?

☑️Location Owners

From the start of working with unTill Air you have two default Reasons: one for Void and one for Discount.

Default reasons:

  • Discount (Discount)

  • Change of payment type (Void)

You are always able to remove them as well as create new ones.

Note: If you haven't configured any Reasons and have removed the default ones at the location when applying a Discount or performing a Void in the POS, you will need to manually type the Reason without the option to select a preconfigured one.

To create a Reason, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to General > Reasons.

  2. Click 'Add new reason'.

  3. Provide a name for your new Reason.

  4. Select the Reason type.

The Reason can be created for applying Discounts or performing Voids.

  1. Click 'Continue'.

Last updated