Happy hour

Who can use this feature?

☑️Location Owners

In unTill Air, you can set a specific period for which you can determine alternative prices for your Articles.

You can enable the Happy hour feature in two ways: either when you initially set up a newly created location or later in the Location Settings, where you can select an existing Period as the Happy hour period.

After you activate the Happy hour feature, you will get a new field for setting the Happy hour price in the Articles section.

To create and use the Happy hour feature, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Location.

  2. Click on the Happy hour selector.

  1. Choose a Period.

  2. Click 'Save'.

  3. Navigate to Products > Articles.

  4. Click 'Add new article' or edit an existing one.

  5. Enter the Happy hour's price for this Article in the designated field.

Now, the price that you have set in the Back Office is applicable.

Note: If you have not set a Happy hour price in the Articles section of the Back Office, the regular price for this Article will be applied during the Happy hour period.

Last updated