Special price

Who can use this feature?

☑️Location Owners

What is the Special price?

The Special price feature allows you to set unique prices for the same Articles across different Spaces.

For example, if you want to offer beverages at different prices on the terrace versus the first floor, you can set this up in unTill Air through the Special price functionality.

Also, in such cases, you can enable the Special price feature for Spaces where the Direct Sales area checkbox is selected. This allows you to offer Articles at different prices compared to Spaces with tables.

Create a Special price

To create a Special price, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Spaces.

  2. Create a new Space or edit an existing one.

  3. Tick the checkbox provided.

  4. Click 'Continue'.

Set up a Special price

To set up a Special price, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Products > Articles.

  2. Click 'Add new article' or edit an existing one.

  3. Click 'Set prices'.

A new field for setting a Special price for the Space will appear because you enabled this feature.

  1. Set a specific price for the Space in this field.

  2. Click 'Save'.

Last updated