unTill Payments (available soon)

Who can use this feature?

☑️Location Owners

What is unTill Payments?

unTill Payments is a payment system built in integration with the payment provider Adyen, designed to enhance the payment process.

unTill Payments allows you to accept cashless payments using terminals that are integrated into the POS. This means that the ordering, checking out and payment processes are unified and seamless.

All funds generated by your business will be stored on the Adyen platform under your Balance account until they are transferred to the bank account you indicated on the Payments portal, along with the corresponding invoices that inform you about the fees paid.

Preconditions of using unTill Payments

To work with unTill Payments, you need to agree to the fees policy and use Adyen terminals for performing transactions.

unTill Payments supports a wide range of different payment methods, including:

  • Maestro

  • Mastercard

  • VPay

  • Visa

  • Bancontact

  • Girocard

  • Digital wallets (Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal and others)


In unTill Payments three types of fees exist:

  • Processing fee

  • Acquirer fee

  • Payment fee

After the payment is accepted at the location, the corresponding fees are deducted from the entire amount and directed to the Balance accounts on the Adyen Platform.

Depending on the payment method chosen by your customer, Adyen calculates the Payment fee after a delay. This fee will then be deducted from your Balance account before processing payouts.

When the fees are deducted and the funds are under the relevant Balance account, you as a Location Owner, receive a payout.


Your funds earned during the business day and accepted through unTill Payments will be transferred from your Balance account on the Adyen platform and redirected to your bank account.

Payouts for Location Owners are made to the bank account on the 4th day after the transactions, usually from 2 to 6 a.m.



1st day

Transactions at the Point-of-Sale

2nd day

Processing of the transaction

3rd day

The funds are credited to the Balance account

4th day

The payout is done and funds are credited to the bank account

Corresponding invoices will be provided for each completed payout.

Location Owner and Payments portal

You can submit a request to access the unTill Payments feature through the Settings in the Back Office.

After submitting a request and being granted access to unTill Payments, the Location Owner can join the Payments portal.

After the resellers or unTill Air representatives create a payments location, the Location Owners receive an invitation to their email.

This portal is specifically designed to view the history of transactions made through unTill Payments, manage payment methods and terminals, and track payouts.

Note: If you are in a trial period, the request for the unTill Payments feature will be unavailable to you. You first need to switch to a regular subscription. On how to do so, refer to this page.

You can read a separate manual dedicated to the Payments portal by following this link.

Last updated