Reopen order

Who can use this feature?

POS Users

This function allows you to reopen the previously paid order to make all necessary adjustments like applying discounts, voiding articles, splitting the bill, changing the payment methods, and more.

The reopen order feature is located on the control screen. For more information about the control screen, refer to this page.

With this feature, you are always able to correct any orders due to the client's requests. You can give money back to the client, adjust the order, finalise it in the correct way, and charge the client again.

Note: You can reopen orders only within the same business day. Reopening the orders that were paid on the previous days is not available.

The steps for reopening orders in different sales modes are not equal. Depending on which sales mode is set for your screen, please follow the relevant instructions.

For more information about the sales modes, refer to this page.

Reopen order in Table plan

To reopen the previously paid order in the Table plan, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the unTill Air app on your screen.

  2. Create an order and accept the payment for it.

  3. Navigate to the control screen.

  1. Find and tap on the needed paid bill.

  2. Tap on the reopen order button.

Note: If you have no permission to reopen an order from the POS Users settings of the Back Office, the relevant button will be disabled. For details about the permissions, refer to this page.

If the reopened order was paid using a card, the refund action will be performed. The refund will be done automatically. The relevant amount will be returned to the bank account of the client.

Refund will be done on the same card used for the payment of the reopened order.

For more information about refund, refer to this page.

Now, this order is reopened and you can start modifying it as needed.

Note: You will not get any tickets for this action but the next bill number will be taken by the reopened order.

At this stage, you can pay back the amount of the reopened order to your client. If the card payment method was used, and it was done through unTill Payments, the client can get their money back immediately by putting their card on the terminal again. The relevant amount will be deposited to the client’s bank account.

In the Table plan, you will see the table where the reopened order was placed with a special icon featuring a reopen action.

This table differs from the others because there is no name of the POS User and no time of placing an order.

Note: This table despite the reopened order on it is still available for placing new orders. If you need to place a new order on this table, tap once on the table and order Articles as usual.

  1. To access the reopened order, double-tap on the table.

  2. You will see the list of Articles from the order that was reopened.

Note: If this reopened order was split into equal parts, you will not be able to access the order screen and subsequently change the articles. In this situation, you are only allowed to make changes on the payment screen.

  1. Now, you can make all necessary adjustments.

  2. Accept the payment for this order again.

Now, your table is closed and the reopened order has been processed. The bill ticket for this order is issued on the bill printer.

Reopen order in Direct sales

To reopen the previously paid order in Direct sales, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the unTill Air app on your screen.

  2. Create an order and accept a payment for it.

  3. Navigate to the control screen.

  1. Find and tap on the needed paid bill.

  2. Tap on the reopen order button.

Note: If you have no permission to reopen an order from the POS Users settings of the Back Office, the relevant button will be disabled. For details about the permissions, refer to this page.

If the reopened order was paid using a card, the refund action will be performed. The refund will be done automatically. The relevant amount will be returned to the bank account of the client.

Refund will be done on the same card used for the payment of the reopened order.

For more information about refunds, refer to this page.

  1. Tap on the 'Go to reopen' button. You will see the order you just reopened.

  2. Make any necessary adjustments and proceed with a payment.

Note: You will not be able to create new orders unless you finalise the reopened order.

Last updated